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CSA Awareness Month

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Child Sexual Abuse Exists. CSA happens in almost every household irrespective of their social standing; happens equally to boys and girls. And the abuser is not necessarily a male. 

It does not matter if you are not a parent. The knowledge you gain today may save a hapless child tomorrow.

A few bloggers, have joined hands and started the Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Blog. Over the month of April 2011, a whole lot of bloggers and non-bloggers will be coming together to post on various aspects of Child Sexual Abuse in a bid to create awareness about an issue which affects over 50 per cent of children of the world. This, the Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Month April 2011, will run across their blogs as well as the CSA blog, In addition to these posts, the CSAAM blog will feature survivor stories, posts by experts and NGOs working in these fields.

Love Ladder inclusive of all who have joined hands hopes that this concerted effort will bring this topic of criminal offence out of the closet and teach parents how to educate their children about predators, preventing their children from being abused and knowing how to deal with your child, should such a situation arise or occur. Our children deserve a safe and happy childhood.

Come join us in the effort and keep our children child safe and make this a better world for them to experience. 
Here is how you can participate.
If you would like to add to the discussion or know somebody else who would, please note that we welcome entries 
  • posted on your own blog with the badge and linked to the main blog OR
 The list of topics is available here. Anonymous contributions are accepted and requests for anonymity will of course be honored. CSA will probably be hosting at least one guest post and encourage you to do the same for non-blogging friends.Please remember to send in a mail with all necessary links or just your input to csa.awareness.april@gmail.com so that we can track your contribution and make sure that it is not inadvertently lost or something. U can also support it simply by adding our the logo of the initiative in your blog’s sidebar.
<a href=”http://csaawarenessmonth.wordpress.com/” _mce_href=”http://csaawarenessmonth.wordpress.com/” target=”blank”><img src=”http://csaawarenessmonth.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/csa-logo.jpg” _mce_src=”http://csaawarenessmonth.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/csa-logo.jpg” alt=”" /></a>

Being aware and informed is the key. Learn to recognise the signs and help a child. We, as adults owe it to them.


Razzer said...

It's important to be aware of such evils in the society. To be aware and therefore to prevent and cure is the only ideal way to be.
Best of luck to the CSA month. I, on my end, am aware and awake.
Imp's mom, good work !!

Rajeev said...

yes, it is important. I was aware of this before but good to know it's on the blogworld too.

Imp's Mom said...

@Anand: Thank you!

@Rajeev: Its good you were aware, do help in spreading the word.

Anand said...

Imp's Mom, You might wanna answer Sharah's question on "transfer your thoughts" (chat).

Rad said...

Hi. yes it happens and it is a seriously a black spot in our society. But it can be erased only by our own vigilance. we should keep track of the children. We should be more responsible, like we should not let servants drop and pick them up from school. We must teach them how they should not talk to strangers etc.
good initiative.

Razzer said...

Rite said Rad.

Hanna said...

There is a lot of child sexual abuse in my country, especially when there is a single mom who is an alcoholic who lives with a guy. I've worked a lot with children who ran away from home or were taken from their home by social services and many of them share their stories about sexual abuse. This is very very sad that in our world people can be so cruel to children, if you who is reading it know about it, please dont just stand still, do something or ask someone to help you do something. If we all try we will make a difference.
Special thank you to LoveLadder for this post!

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